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27 Hacks That Can Improve Life With Cystic Fibrosis

We asked patients with cystic fibrosis and their families if they had any “life hacks” to share with the community that have made their lives easier. Below are some of our favorite responses (names removed for privacy): Hygiene and sanitation “When I take a shower, I never tilt…

Traveling the USA With Cystic Fibrosis

In this video, travel along with cystic fibrosis patient Beau Rich on his amazing 2014 hiking, driving, skateboarding and swimming journey across the United States while maintaining CF care with new mobile medical devices. As seen in the video, one of the devices is an …

Cystic Fibrosis News Today: A Look Back at 2017

With the holiday season in full swing, it’s the perfect opportunity to take a look back at 2017. It’s been a year full of ups and downs, and while there were definitely quite a few low moments, there were certainly quite a few highs. To celebrate the year that was,…

7 Tips for Preventing Reflux and Aspiration

Dr. Gwen A. Huitt, an infectious disease doctor with a special interest in mycobacteria and cystic fibrosis, spoke in our last article about what aspiration is and how it’s dangerous to CF patients. “Aspiration is defined as any liquid, substance, or foreign body that gains access (below the vocal cords)…

8 Tips For Protecting Your Lungs From Unhealthy Air

If you have a chronic lung condition, you’ll need to protect your lungs from being further irritated by unhealthy air. We’ve put together a list of ways to help protect your lungs against unhealthy air using information from the American Lung Association. Check the daily air pollutant forecasts. …

5 Extreme Challenges to Raise Money for Cystic Fibrosis

  Fundraising is important to cystic fibrosis organizations like the U.K.’s Cystic Fibrosis Trust. The money helps support research into new therapies and possible cures, along with offering services to cystic fibrosis sufferers. There are many different types of fundraising events that appeal to the masses but some people want to really challenge…

This Wristband Can Detect Cystic Fibrosis and Diabetes

A wristband has been designed to help doctors detect diseases like cystic fibrosis and diabetes. The wearable device has a mechanism that can determine the levels of sodium and chloride in a person’s sweat — two properties which, if elevated, can indicate cystic fibrosis. MORE: Four common misconceptions about cystic fibrosis According…

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