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10 Little-Known Weird Facts About Cystic Fibrosis

After several decades of research into cystic fibrosis, there’s a wealth of weird information out there about the disease, its common bacteria, and medications. How many of these did you know already? 1. It is hypothesized that cystic fibrosis genetics have resistance to infectious diseases such as tuberculosis,…

Could Cannabis Help People With Lung Diseases?

There is much talk in medical circles about the use of medical marijuana (or cannabis) for a variety of chronic illnesses, but could it also benefit those living with chronic lung disease? MORE: What a doctor wants people to know about chronic illnesses Medical marijuana is currently legal in 23…

Exercising With CF: 4 Moves You Can Do From Home

Exercising and maintaining good health is encouraged for everyone, but when it comes to cystic fibrosis (CF) patients, regular exercise has been shown to have an even bigger impact. It’s believed that exercise can help reduce lung-function decline and help keep stress levels low and improve sleep. These videos from the…

7 Reasons Why Pulmonary Rehabilitation Is Important

Pulmonary rehabilitation (PR) should be part of the treatment plan for any chronic lung disease, including cystic fibrosis. It’s a combination of exercise, breathing techniques, diet and education that aims to help give patients a better quality of life and be able to have more control of their symptoms. We’ve compiled…

Exercise and Cystic Fibrosis: Surfing Through the Healing

Some cystic fibrosis symptoms can make it difficult for patients to exercise, but studies have determined that regular physical activity can have a significant impact on improving a patient’s quality of life. MORE: Innovative research center provides tailored physical activity and exercise regimens for young people with…