Workouts: How Do You Prioritize Stamina?
Yesterday one of our moderators Jenny posted about what lung clearance techniques work for us individually, and it brought up my own anxieties about losing stamina now that I’m not able to dance.
In the last few weeks, I can feel myself getting out of breath even just by talking, and it totally freaks me out because I don’t feel lung or sinus exacerbations are too blame this time… I think it’s me!
I hate being “stuck still” because I’ve always found so much health benefit from movement (even when it hurts), but right now I can’t push through this particular injury… so my stamina is definitely falling. I’ve tried to consider logical options- biking, water, low impact walking- but since sitting and just moving around to take a bath hurts, you can imagine why those don’t seem as easy as they should.
Have you ever struggled to prioritize stamina and cardio health when immobilized? What tactics have you tried?
Basically, I’d love to talk workout and health routines, and see what your journey has been throughout the years?
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