• Monday Shoutout: Bailey Vincent

    Posted by jenny-livingston on December 7, 2020 at 11:55 am

    Today’s feature is our own lovely Bailey Vincent!

    You know her as a moderator here, but did you know she is also a CF News Today columnist?

    Bailey is a 34-year-old with atypical cystic fibrosis. She also happens to be deaf. Bailey is the artistic director of the body-positive dance company Company 360 in Virginia, as well as a professional dancer, choreographer, and homeschooling mother of two girls. She’s also worked as a journalist and writer for more than two decades. As a formally misdiagnosed mutant, she hopes to raise awareness of atypical CFTR disease and help anyone who isn’t “genetically in the black or white” feel less alone. ⠀

    I strongly encourage you to read some of Bailey’s columns here.

    paul-met-debbie replied 3 years, 9 months ago 1 Member · 1 Reply
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