Dream Lunch Dates: History, Heroes and a Whole Lotta Queso
I was reading Paul’s Sunday morning post– which has become a welcome tradition for me these days… something to look forward to every week- and his beautiful description of lunch, and life, and life through lunch, made me think of a fun question for all of us:
If you could host any four people for lunch (alive or dead), who would they be… AND, what would you serve?
I know this isn’t necessarily a “Cystic Fibrosis” related question, but I think it all connects back to who we’ve become through and around our health, science and empathy, and whom we’d love to meet or see again.
For me, I’d be tempted to say my best friend Zachary who passed away from CF, for example, or maybe any of my grandparents who died before I was born (or before I was old enough to distinctly remember, with exception of my Pop), or my Uncle Way and Uncle Donnie who served like grandfathers to me… but I’d also be tempted to name personal heroes like Frida Kahlo, or certain musicians, or peace keepers and thinkers and profits.
Would language be a barrier in this fictional scenario? Would Zachary still be in pain from his end-stage disease, and thus bringing him back would perhaps continue his pain? So many ways to analyze this question! (This is why I’m bad with multiple-choice, for sure)
But let’s get down to the best part: The Food. For me, I think I’d do some sort of tapas so I could please whomever I chose for lunch, despite their different lineage and upbringing. Maybe tapas with a far more Western spin, so my Uncles could really dig in too. For example, South Carolinian pimento cheese would definitely be a featured dip, as much as hummus or queso or anything else.
My sister makes something she calls “crack dip” and it involves the freshest salsa you can imagine, and big chunks of avocado, corn, lime juice, and other amazing addictive things. I’d definitely ask her to bring that.
What about you? What would your lunch look and taste like?
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