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  • “Mucus: The Musical”… and Other Bad Ideas

    Posted by Bailey Vincent on August 24, 2021 at 4:48 pm

    Yesterday I asked who would be you in the movie of your life, and today I’m doing one better. Or rather, musical theater “nerdier”…

    If you were to make a Broadway musical of your life, who would write the music and what would it be called?

    I am obviously a bit of a theater geek, but I also love musicals that are based on pre-existing artists or created by them (hello, Sara Bareilles, Green Day, and Alanis). So I’m curious what musician, band or song-writer you feel like fits with the story of your life (your taste, your voice, your essence), and any other details you’d be willing to dream.

    “Mucus: The Musical”… It has a ring, doesn’t it?

    Paul met Debbie replied 3 years, 4 months ago 2 Members · 1 Reply
  • 1 Reply
  • Paul met Debbie

    August 25, 2021 at 2:28 am

    Oh, it has a wonderful ring indeed, Bailey!


    I can think of a few:

    1. The Sound of Mucus

    2. The Phlegm of the Opera

    3. The Producers

    4. Mary Poopins

    5. Guts

    6. Les Miserables

    7. Spit Brothers

    8. Vest Side Story

    9. My Rare Lady

    10. Chesst

    11. A Chorus Slime

    12. A Little Night Mucus

    13. Spitty Spitty Bang Bang

    14. Next to Normal

    15. Cough me Kate

    16. We Will Clog You

    17. Spittler on the Roof

    18. A Funny Thing Happened to Me on the Way to the Clinic

    19. The Slime Princess

    20. Cough Time

    21. Nothing Goes

    22. Spittin’ in the  Rain

    23. Let it Pee

    24. Saturday Tight Fever

    25. The Mucus Man

    26. Children of Needin’

    27. Sweaty Todd


    I might have missed a few. This was fun!



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