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  • Biopic of Your Life: Who Would YOU Be?

    Posted by Bailey Vincent on August 23, 2021 at 12:55 pm


    I was at the beach last week and trying to stay safe, and healthy, but also keep things “light”. So here was a very light but very fun question to consider:

    Who would play you in the biopic of your life and who would direct?

    (I care more about the directing part than the acting part, haha.)

    Would you let your sickness be a central part of the story? Or would you reveal it later to your audience?

    Let’s muse on whom you think your muses would be…

    Timothy Bransford replied 3 years, 1 month ago 2 Members · 1 Reply
  • 1 Reply
  • Timothy Bransford

    August 24, 2021 at 3:46 pm

    Peter Sellers as “Chance the Gardener” directed by Hal Ashby.


    CF would not be the central part of my story.  It is not the reveal.  The reveal is how fickle life can be and how tied we are to random encounters with time and place and other people.  These encounters can make us soar or they can make us crash regardless of how we try to control the outcome.


    This is not a dark place.  This is a place of peace.  Be a good person.  Do your best.  Leave the rest to the fates.


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