Yes, that would be very disappointing indeed. Apparently, some docs still want to “see” the patient in real life. I think this is a sort of habit they have been trained into. Perhaps it makes them feel more “Doctory”. In letters they sent to their collegues about the patient, they literally say things like: “Yesterday I saw your patient, mr/mrs so and so, …” . Could it be a sort of power-play? The patient being summoned and has to appear at the discretion of the mighty Doc, otherwise no deal? Just to make them feel good? I don’t know. It sounds so old fashioned and not done.
I don’t deny the need to do some tests, that can’t be all done at home, so you can’t always escape some hospital visits (although many tests can be done at local hospitals or even by the GP, not always necessary to visit the cf center for that).
But this “seeing” to discuss the outcomes of those tests, to visit the docs little cubicle and look him/her in the eye (masked, so the rest of the face is hidden anyway) – to play the ancient roles in this little theater, white coat and all – I don’t really get why this is so important to them. If the patient wants it, okay, but if not, why should he be forced to this? Hours of driving in the car, hospital corridors, waiting rooms, to just meet them for 10 minutes, discussing the obvious … why? What does it add to the equation? It is just not sustainable anymore (was it ever?). The time that they actually touched me with a stethoscope or did any physical exam on me, is way in the prehistoric age anyway. As said, it must be some old conditioning. To me, these talks can equally well and much more comfortably be done by telehealth, be it email, phone, or whatever technical interface is used.
It would be very unfortunate if the extra willingness and possibilities for telehealth that appeared thanks to covid, would now be lost or diminished again. I will certainly not comply to that if I can avoid it, fortunately my cf center still seems to accommodate my tele-wishes so far.