• 3 Mini Medical Triumphs… ?

    Posted by Bailey Vincent on June 22, 2021 at 9:00 am

    Yesterday I wrote about a rough start to the week (which is leading to an urgent care visit today for sure), and today it made me think:

    What are 3 small medical triumphs triumphs you’ve had this week so far? 

    The week is early and “night is young”… Why wait until it’s almost the weekend to celebrate? But these aren’t 3 positive things in general (like seeing a great movie or reading a great book-that’s-going-to-be-a-movie), this is health specific.

    I’ll go first…

    1. I’m planning on going to Urgent Care today, even though masks and not being able to lip-read are super stressful right now. But when my partner asked me if I’d go last night I said “Yes please” (which I literally never say), because this bladder-to-possibly-kidney infection is kicking my butt and making it very hard to sleep. (We didn’t go, in the end, because of a combination of our kids, the time of night, and a big storm… but I wanted to very badly)

    2. I ate cookie dough yesterday (calories?), even if I’ll live to reget it

    3. I am definitely feeling better from whatever chest-cold situation was going on, and am back to being mostly clear-lungs and fancy-free (which has really been the case, for me, since the pandemic came along and shifted my family away from young kids and school systems and big crowds, which was our entire life before)

    What about you?

    Jenny Livingston replied 3 years, 7 months ago 2 Members · 1 Reply
  • 1 Reply
  • Jenny Livingston

    June 22, 2021 at 8:59 pm

    Mine are so simple:

    1) Breathing without having to think about it. I’m still sometimes amazed at how I’m no longer acutely aware of each breath entering and leaving my lungs. This is only a post-Trikafta thing for me. When I’ve had pain or shortness of breath in recent months, I think, “Oh yeah, this is what breathing used to feel like all the time.”

    2) I made an appointment with my PCP regarding some recent potential blood pressure issues. Making an appointment with her always feels like a triumph because I always put it off. (My CF team has recently begun encouraging patients to reach out to their PCP first if an issue isn’t specifically related to CF. I’ve wondered if this is a nation-wide effort, or just a my center thing.)

    3) This isn’t specific to just this week, but the current combination of meds I’m on for allergies has helped drastically. My ENT had me start Singulair in addition to the Allegra I’ve been taking daily and the difference it’s made is incredible!

    Here’s a small failure I’ll throw in just for fun: I could have sworn today was Saturday! I woke up thinking that and several times throughout the day I had to remind myself that it’s only Tuesday.  😂



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