• Body Image and Relationships

    Posted by bailey-anne-vincent on July 28, 2020 at 7:35 pm

    Yesterday one of those viral Instagram trends started online in which women posted black and white photos of themselves in an attempt to show #womensupportingwomen. I joined in because I was tagged (and feel sort of rude not, right?), but did so while also posting about the pressures many women feel aesthetically.

    Sometimes CF or chronic illness seems to increase this pressure because many medications and surgeries impact our bodies visually and create all sorts of insecurities within insecurities.

    One thing we don’t talk about a lot, however, is how self image can impact our personal relationships (dating, marriage and onward). I was talking with a CF dude-friend recently, and we both related with how hard it can be to feel unhappy with your body and it’s performance, while being expected to be happy because “at least you’re alive.”

    Yes, life or death matters most… but doesn’t quality of life and self image matter a little too?

    Have you ever had any physical insecurities (with your illness) impact a relationship? What are your biggest insecurities to overcome and how has your partner been involved in that process?

    jenny-livingston replied 3 years, 12 months ago 2 Members · 1 Reply
  • 1 Reply
  • jenny-livingston

    July 29, 2020 at 12:08 pm

    Oof, I understand this one. For me, those insecurities surface most when I’m not feeling well. When I’m recovering from sinus surgery and have a swollen face, when I’ve lost too much weight during an exacerbation (this used to me a lot more common than it is now), or when I’m in the hospital, hooked up to IV’s, feeling perpetually nauseous. Those are the times I see myself in the mirror and think, “this isn’t someone I’d be attracted to.” My partner doesn’t see what I see. He lets me know that he loves me for who I am, not what my body looks like (although he IS attracted to me as well). This doesn’t make those insecurities disappear altogether, but it does help them seem less heavy.

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