Cystic Fibrosis News Today Forums Forums Community Spotlights 31 Days of CF 2022 Day 18 of #31DaysOfCF: One Day We Will Find a Cure for Cystic Fibrosis

  • Day 18 of #31DaysOfCF: One Day We Will Find a Cure for Cystic Fibrosis

    Posted by Jessie Madrigal Fletcher on May 19, 2022 at 6:58 pm

    KC White’ feels she is alive today because of the generosity of others.

    When KC was diagnosed in the early 1980s, CF was a disease of little hope, but because of advances in research during her lifetime, she is now a wife, mom, graduate student, and coach. KC is also about to embark on a new adventure as chair of the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation’s board of trustees.

    ‘I am more motivated than ever to find the answers for every person with CF.”

    KC, it’s people like you who get us closer to a cure! We are so grateful you exist.

    Now back to our CF Community: How does talking about a possible cure make you feel?

    To read the rest of KC’s story, and learn more about her life with CF, click here.

    Our #31DaysOfCF initiative is running for the entire month of May. Each day, we are featuring a different story, and a different view of life with CF. To read all of the stories, visit our website.

    Jenny Livingston replied 2 years, 6 months ago 2 Members · 2 Replies
  • 2 Replies
  • Paul met Debbie

    May 21, 2022 at 10:09 am

    Congratulations to ms. White with her election as chair of the CFF!

    Talking about a cure for CF is as old as CF. I am from 1963, my brother who died in 1959 was 7 years old. A cure for CF was a recurrent subject in our family, understandably.

    Talking about a cure gives hope, but should not lead us away too much into the future. People with CF are living NOW and having CF is also conducive for increasing awareness and presence for what Is.

    I remember when being young, I quickly became tired of talking about a cure in the future, and in stead concentrated on being-here-now. This liberated me from feeling trapped in the body and time, and it reduced the illusions of my mind to a point that they disappeared.

    Having said this, of course it is great to have new medication like Trikafta, and lots of research into new medication for those of us still not being helped by improvements like this. All these researchers and the people of the CFF of course envision and imagine and use their lucid brains to find a cure or solution, but they are not dealing with it in the future, but right here and now. Presence is what makes them tick best.

    So, remember: The real cure for CF is being found NOW, not “One Day”.

  • Jenny Livingston

    May 23, 2022 at 9:42 pm

    While I am fully supportive of continued research, fundraising, and discussion about finding a cure, I also think it is incredibly important to talk about how so many people with CF are living beautiful, fulling, passionate lives right now. For many of us, that is in great part due to the dedication of those who came before us and “the generosity of others” as KC says. If a cure is found in my lifetime, that will definitely be celebrated! Until then, I’ll continue to be grateful for every step and milestone reached along the way.

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