Day 22 of #31DaysOfCF: My Service Dog, a Miracle ‘Gift From God’
Elizabeth Knight lives with cystic fibrosis and seizures. Although she’s always had CF, she began having seizures after a car accident and subsequent head injury in January 2019. No amount of medications or tests helped.
Eventually an idea popped into Elizabeth’s head. She did a ton of research and talked about it with her CF doctor. He and her team agreed. Elizabeth’s quality of life at that time was greatly diminished. She relied completely on her caregiver and significant other, Antonio. What was this idea? A service dog.
Finding a service dog proved to be extremely tough, yet Elizabeth found a way to achieve her dream: find a dog she wouldn’t be allergic to, and send that dog to training school.
Piper, Elizabeth’s standard poodle, has changed her life. Piper is still in training, but she has helped where modern medicine couldn’t.
Elizabeth, we are so happy you found Piper, the miracle you so deserved!
Now back to our CF Community: Do you have a service dog? If not, how about a supportive pet?
To read the rest of Elizabeth’s story, and learn more about how Piper came into her life, click here.
Our #31DaysOfCF initiative is running for the entire month of May. Each day, we are featuring a different story, and a different view of life with CF. To read all of the stories, visit our website.
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