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  • Holiday Rush: Do You Worry About Doctor Access?

    Posted by Bailey Vincent on December 15, 2020 at 3:53 pm

    I’ll admit that I did not post yesterday because I had THE longest day of doctor appointments which consumed the entire day. Honestly, my whole week has felt like that? (Last week and this one!)

    Do you ever feel like you have to frantically schedule and rush appointments, knowing that the holiday season is soon?

    In my experience, everything stops in medicine around this time of year (at least here in America), and it can be really scary if ongoing problems and concerns are present. Last year I was dealing with awful sinus issues that led to surgery and IVs a month later, and the year before I had crippling back pain which (as it turns out) led to the spine surgery I just had two months ago.

    Perhaps I’m a little trigger shy, but since I have some concerns going on right now and know things are about to slow down, I want to “resolve” as much as I possibly can first.

    Do you ever feel this way?

    Jenny Livingston replied 4 years, 2 months ago 3 Members · 2 Replies
  • 2 Replies
  • Paul met Debbie

    December 16, 2020 at 12:39 pm

    I can imagine this very well. I used to have Christmases like you describe when I was on antibiotic IV at home. Mostly things were manageable, because even when my doctor or cf-nurse were on holiday, I could still always contact the hospital pharmacist. But I hated it to be left with some general phone number of the pulmonology ward, or to have to speak to the “pulmonologist-on-duty” (mostly these were still in training) that knew nothing about my case and only gave standard answers I could come up with myself as well (or better). So I treasured the private phone number of my pulmonologist in those days. It was never needed, but still it gave a safe feeling. I now can contact my cf nurse privately ICE, and she knows how to contact my doctor if needed.
    At the moment, everything feels solid, but we are in a pretty strict lockdown situation in the Netherlands since yesterday because of the second covid-wave that hits us harder than expected. So I guess things in the hospital are not very smooth either. Hope I won’t need them until things are back to normal at least.

    And the best antidote for worry is trust and meditation.

  • Jenny Livingston

    December 17, 2020 at 9:22 am

    Oooh, boy, can I relate! Thankfully, my health has been more stable as of late. But in previous years, I’d always get sick around the holidays (primarily Thanksgiving-Christmas). It’s horribly inconvenient and the stress of not knowing if my doctors would be around and within reach was exhausting.

    I’m hoping you can cram all that you can before the holidays (though that’s not very fun or festive) and that you’ll be able to relax at home, feeling healthy(ish at least) with your family.

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