Infection Talk (Plus, COVID Exposures Are Scary)
Well, it’s happened…. My family had its first COVID scare.
Okay, it’s not really our first. Technically it’s more like our third. The first time was when the pandemic had just started, and my daughters played with a group of friends in the neighborhood without wearing masks (and then cried from guilt for the next 24 hours). It was terribly dramatic and terribly… well, teenager.
The second time was when I woke up feeling absolutely awful, and (because I hadn’t gone anywhere and wasn’t grabbing as many CF-style-crud from my dance students) I worried it was something more sinister. In the end… it was just CF.
The third time was this week, when my partner (who works as a behavioral counselor on a need-by-need basis, since the pandemic put a pause on his salaried position) was sent home from work for exposure.
We are waiting it out at home knowing that even though the risk is negligible (he wore masks and we all feel fine), it’s better safe than sorry-you-risked-someone-else’s-life. I’m so happy his work is following all protocol, but the initial worry (“Does he stay at a hotel because we don’t have bedroom doors or places to isolate? Do the girls and I stay at a hotel? Wait, we only have one car. We can’t afford a hotel. What do we dooooo?!?”) was taxing.
I’ve already asked about ‘Vid scares before and how closely it has come to your life, but here’s another spin:
What is one of the worst infections you’ve battled in your time with CF? And when did you know that it was really serious? Did you feel it on your own… Did a doctor tell you… What was the Lightbulb Moment?
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