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  • Movie Awards… and Flowers in Our Lungs

    Posted by Bailey Vincent on April 14, 2021 at 12:33 pm

    I know I’ve posted about movies that feature CF characters before, but I’ve been thinking even more about representation in film as the Academy Awards swiftly approach.

    Lately, I’ve seen a lot more mention of CF in TV shows and media, but of course, whether or not something mentions the disease and whether or not it’s a good piece of moving art are completely different stories.

    Question: What is your favorite film to showcase CF (or just relatable illness), AND (here’s the important part) what is your favorite potential Oscar-nominated movie this season?

    And… how do the two compare?

    For example, I would still say that Five Feet Apart is my favorite movie to show CF because of it’s accuracy and how closely the director worked with patients to keep it as authentic as possible.

    But if I had to compare it to some of the “best movies ever made” (highly subjective)… would it compare? I’m not sure that it was trying to, honestly. It was a romantic drama intended for teenagers and that’s exactly what it delivered.

    Frankly, I tend to love creations that aren’t pretending to be anything other than what they are (no pretense).

    Even so, there is a super avante movie called L’e’Cume des Jours (or “Mood Indigo” by its English release) that came out in 2013, and it’s about a girl who gets a disease that causes flowers to grow in her lungs, and her love’s quest to cure her. It’s surreal to the max. It’s as if a Kahlo painting came to life; as much puppet as prose… and effortlessly bizarrely beautiful.

    That film (as much as it’s strangeness is not everyone’s cup of tea) would be deserving of an artistic award, and definitely could be seen as a metaphor for CF or other comparable ailments.

    Obviously not a contender for this year’s awards but have you seen or liked any films lately that are? Let’s chat!

    Bailey Vincent replied 3 years, 10 months ago 1 Member · 0 Replies
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