• Posted by Jenny Livingston on February 18, 2022 at 12:08 pm

    It’s time to share some wins! Whether they’re CF related or otherwise, big accomplishments or small moments that made you smile, we’d love to celebrate with you!

    Honestly, it’s felt like a week or two full of more frustrations than wins. It’s been a physically and emotionally exhausting time for me, but in the midst of the chaos I did receive some incredible news: I was accepted into the graduate school program I applied for and will be going back to school this fall. I’m excited to take this step toward a Master’s degree and a career.

    What about you? What is a win you’ve experienced or a piece of good news you can share?

    Jenny Livingston replied 3 years ago 0 Member · 0 Replies
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  • Paul met Debbie

    February 21, 2022 at 8:11 am

    Congratulations Jenny! What wonderful news that you can start on your new path of education. We hope it will bring everything you expect of it, and more and differently.

    Our Wins? Well, we found a possible new town to live in this week. I will tell more about it in my Sunday contemplation.

    I trimmed my own hair today, the front part that is, about 2 inch of it. Debbie is going to take of the more tricky areas tomorrow. But I was quite pleased with my intervention in the covidhairdo.

    We started cleaning up some old things to reduce the amount of boxes to fill in a possible move in the future. Digitalizing old photo albums and scrap books, those kind of things that we always postponed “to the holiday” and then forgot about. Found some nice shots made on the summit of the Austrian Scesaplana mountain I told you about in my Sunday Morning no 26.

    Perhaps Jenny will post the pictures beneath that talk after I sent them to her.

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