Wendy is a vivacious young adult who’s passionate about living life despite battling cystic fibrosis. She loves going on adventures with her husband, Andy, and their dogs, Finn and Felix. Wendy is very active in spreading awareness about CF through her blog and social media — “The Living, Breathing Wendy.” She also helps through the CF Foundation where she can, both nationally and locally.
Social media is a strange and fickle web of predetermined, or accidental, personas. I used to be very active on social media, with the intent of spreading awareness of cystic fibrosis. It was easy…
The CF community is no stranger to the fact that medications that we put into our bodies, especially the powerful ones, do not come without risks. However, they are necessary evils…
Editor’s note: “Path Unknown” is a new CF News Today column written by Wendy Caroline each Monday. My clinic used to hand out questionnaires at check-ins to see how patients were…