
Anti-inflammatory Medications in CF May Help Reduce Lung Bacteria

A new study suggests that the use of anti-inflammatory medications to modulate immune signaling proteins in people with cystic fibrosis (CF) may potentially reduce bacteria and avoid antibiotic resistance. Researchers found that different bacteria in the airways of CF patients induced the release of varying signaling proteins, called cytokines,…

Vitamin C Boosts Activity of Vitamin E in CF

Vitamin C supplements can increase how long vitamin E stays active in the body in people with cystic fibrosis (CF), a small study suggests. “It would seem to be clinically prudent for CF clinicians and nutritionists to recognize the importance of dietary and supplemental vitamin C levels and their…

Early Childhood Weight Linked to Later Lung Function

Higher weight in children with cystic fibrosis (CF) at 1 year of age, and increasing weight gain from ages 1 through 5, were correlated significantly with better lung function at age 6, according to an analysis of two large  registries. Current guidelines may need to be updated to encourage…

Vaccines Could Prevent Common CVB Infections in CF: Study

Getting vaccinated against Coxsackie B viruses (CVB) may help prevent people with cystic fibrosis (CF) from getting ill, according to a new study of CF mouse models. “This study shows that CVB infections are common in the CF population and we provide preclinical evidence that CVB infections are preventable…

Staph Bacteria Infection Linked to Worse Lung Function in CF

Young patients with cystic fibrosis (CF) who have a lung infection caused by Staphylococcus bacteria may have worse lung function and more exacerbations than those who are infected with Pseudomonas bacteria, a Brazilian study has found. The study, “Lower airway microbiota and decreasing lung function in young Brazilian…