• Heading into Fall…

    Posted by Jenny Livingston on August 18, 2021 at 2:58 pm

    Okay, okay, I know that there are still officially a few weeks left of summer… but as my daughter gears up for going back to school and I’m enjoying cooler temperatures and a nice breeze today, I’ve got autumn on my mind.

    Fall is my very favorite time of year! I fear that many of our favorite “normal” fall activities will once again be pushed off for another time (thanks, COVID). The flip side of that coin is that I feel better prepared to handle the fall season during a pandemic; this isn’t our first rodeo.

    As we head out of summer, are there any final activities or travel plans on your agenda? What does your medical calendar look like heading into fall? Are your children (if you have them) going back to school and if so, what does that look like for your family this year (regarding COVID precautions)? And, because I can’t contain my excitement about it, what are some of your favorite fall activities?

    Jenny Livingston replied 3 years, 4 months ago 4 Members · 4 Replies
  • 4 Replies
  • Aimee Lecointre

    August 19, 2021 at 2:17 pm

    I am soooo dang excited about fall!

    This summer has been particularly hot and smoky and I’m ready for cooler weather and hopefully some cleaner air before the winter inversion hits.

    we are hoping to go to the zoo (during a private event which means limited people, yay!), explore Red Butte gardens while it’s a bit cooler, and maybe do a little fall hiking if my lungs will cooperate. I also really want to go apple picking, even though apples don’t agree with my stomach lol.

    As far as appointments, getting these asthma symptoms in better control is at the top of the list along with having a plan with my therapist and psychiatrist as winter isn’t far behind fall, and my depression definitely gets worse in the winter months.

    • Jenny Livingston

      August 24, 2021 at 9:27 am

      Aimee! I love to see your posts here. Also, I think that getting back in touch with my therapist and having plans for the winter months is a fantastic idea; thanks for the reminder.

  • Paul met Debbie

    August 20, 2021 at 9:13 am

    Fall is my favorite season – as are the other ones 🙂

    We are certainly going to search for and make photo’s of all the mushrooms we can find in the surroundings of our little hamlet. It has been a moist summer, so we think there will be an explosion of them soon to come. Exciting!

  • Tim Blowfield

    August 21, 2021 at 6:05 pm

    Fall! Here that was 6 months ago or if you are a ‘glass 1/2 full’ person will be in 6 months. Spring is here or almost so. Today a beautiful day – bright & sunny, 21deg – not too hot/ not too cold.

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