Homeopathy – What, how, yes, no, anything
I don’t know if the subject of homeopathy has occurred on the forums before (surely), but anyway it just popped in my head and I need to get rid of it immediately before it starts to work, so here it is:
Homeopathy – what do you want to contribute about that?
For me, Homeopathy is much like Government, in that, umm, well, it just doesn’t seem to work, does it? And it sure costs a lot. But that’s only my limited and small minded experience with it.
You might have a completely different relation with it, and I am curious how you feel about this. Do you use Homeopathic “stuff”? Or have you in the past? Why (not)? Does/did it work for you? What did you use and what for?
Please look up the definition of Homeopathy first. I don’t mean herbal or Chinese medicine, or acupuncture, or eating flowers etcetera: only pure Homeopathy, treating your ailments with minute doses of natural substances that in larger amounts would make you sick. These dilutions are often not containing any molecule of the original stuff, but by shaking it about the practitioners claim that the solution “remembers” the original substance and works nevertheless. But if you want to talk about one of these other alternative ways of healing, by all means, share your story.
I have not done this, but I used Chinese herbs as a mucolytic and they clearly worked, and fast. They were expensive though and I had to pay for it myself. Acupuncture I tried once, but I don’t think it worked.
Anything that pops up in your mind right now please write it down and post it below. This could be very interesting!
Thanks in advance!
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