An Acronym Guide for the CF Community
In the CF community, we tend to use words and phrases that are second nature to us, but may not make sense to those who are new to the community or aren’t familiar with the jargon. Here is a guide to some of the acronyms, words, and phrases that you may come across in the forum.
CF – cystic fibrosis
PFT – pulmonary function test
CPT – chest physiotherapy
CGM – continuous glucose monitor
SOB – shortness of breath
ABX – antibiotics
TX – transplant
PICC – peripherally inserted central catheter, through which intravenous medications are delivered
DXA – DEXA Scan, bone density test
LFT – liver function testing
CFRD – cystic fibrosis related diabetes
NPO – means “nothing by mouth” referring to the time before a medical procedure in which eating and drinking are prohibited
FEV1 – is the forced expiratory volume in one second; this is a measure taken during pulmonary function testing and commonly how overall lung function is conceptualized
OGTT – oral glucose tolerance test to check for diabetes
PA – pseudomonas
Trikafta/Kaftrio – different names for the same drug based upon the country in which you live
CFTR – cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator; CF is caused when the CFTR protein is either not made correctly or not made at all
“Cyster” or “Fibro” – slang for our “brothers and sisters” fighting CF (cyster = sister, fibro = bro)
DF508 – Delta F508 is one of the most common genetic mutations that causes CF, DDF508 is a “double delta” or homozygous DF508 mutations
Vest – airway clearance system, a vest fills with air and pulsates to assist in breaking up mucus in the lungs
PEP – positive expiratory pressure, a form of airway clearance
“Port” – medical portacath, a semi-permanent device placed under the skin which connects to a vein, used for intravenous therapy and/or blood return
“Nebs” – nebulized medications and/or the equipment used to deliver those medications
“Treatments” – an umbrella term for respiratory treatments including nebulized medications and airway clearance (Vest or otherwise)
“Modulators” – a specific type of drug that treats the underlying cause of CF: Trikafta, Symdeko, Orkambi, Kalydeco are the CFTR modulators currently on the market
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