• Posted by Jenny Livingston on December 27, 2022 at 10:43 am

    Naturally, the end of the year represents a time of reflection. As I’ve been looking back on the year, I am filled with so much gratitude for my health, my family, the experiences I’ve had, and the steps I’ve taken toward my long-term goals (starting graduate school was a giant leap for me).

    As the year comes to a close, what are some highlights, milestones, or things you are most proud of? Looking toward the new year, do you have any plans, goals, or resolutions?

    Wishing you nothing but the best in the year to come.

    William Ryan replied 2 years, 1 month ago 4 Members · 4 Replies
  • 4 Replies
  • Aimee Lecointre

    December 27, 2022 at 4:01 pm

    I’m thankful I was able to surprise my little cousins in Disneyland, thankful for grant funding, doctors who listen, and ending the year with good health.

    In January I’m starting pottery classes, which I’ve wanted to to do for years! And I’m also taking a virtual cake class. Plus lots of fun things coming to my journaling program. I just want to take it all in as it comes and enjoy the moments, big and small.

  • Timothy Bransford

    December 27, 2022 at 4:40 pm

    So much to be thankful for.  Just a few highlights:

    In January, my beautiful mother passed.  After 95 years of vibrant life, I was by her bedside and was privileged to hold her hand as she slipped peacefully away.  During those moments, I felt her warm hand once again on my chest, calming my panic, and when she was finally gone her calmness remained with me.

    May 2022, our oldest daughter gifted us with healthy twin boys!  Both mom and twins are healthy and thriving.

    In August my wife and I celebrated 28 years of marriage.  I still can’t believe my good fortune to have met such a wonderful person and to have that wonderful person choose to be my soulmate.

    In October, I reconnected with my estranged son.  We are building a new relationship and I am eternally thankful.

    In December, I decided to retire.  This means I will sell my companies and that will be the process of 2023.  I’m looking forward to what comes next.

  • Gina Michele

    December 27, 2022 at 5:15 pm

    This past year, I feel most proud of smaller, less tangible things, but things that have made a positive difference in my life, such as setting and sticking to my own personal boundaries, doing what feels best for me and my mental health and well-being, and staring to take steps towards eliminating unwanted stressors and toxic people and things. I hope to continue taking these steps, even more strongly, into the new year… and I should probably (once and for all) stick to my resolution of drinking more water! Let me go grab my HydroFlask now to start! Happy New Year!

  • William Ryan

    December 28, 2022 at 10:02 am

    I think for me, a highlight this year was being able to travel out of the United States for the first time and being able to see the beauty of the world in another country. A goal in the upcoming year is to stabilize my blood sugars, travel more, and write even more. Yes, I still believe in the Oxford comma.

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