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  • Happy Round Up: Beautiful Surprises?

    Posted by bailey-anne-vincent on June 4, 2021 at 9:37 am

    I got positive news yesterday that made me start sobbing. Happy-crying in my car like a total nut. And even though I can’t reveal it yet (and even though it also probably isn’t that exciting unless you’re a ballerina? I don’t know?), I had a moment of: “Wow. Sometimes beautiful surprises really do happen.”

    This week has been medically frustrating, but mostly in the logistical sense. It’s taken over half-a-month to get the CT ordered that we need for my back, and the constant phone-tag between surgeon’s office, hospital, and even my orthopedist who we asked to help speed things along has felt endless, fruitless,  maddening. (You guys know the drill.)

    We are about to go into yet another weekend, and we are no further along than we were … but then, something amazing happens, and it makes all the medical jungle gym time feel a little less daunting, you know?

    So today’s question is simple and a great way to round out a long week:

    What is something surprising and beautiful that happened this week?

    It can be small, like a rainbow or a great meal, or large like a big breakthrough or celebration. What was your beautiful takeaway this week?

    paul-met-debbie replied 3 years, 1 month ago 3 Members · 2 Replies
  • 2 Replies
  • jenny-livingston

    June 4, 2021 at 12:39 pm

    Bailey, once again we must have been on the same wavelength. We posted nearly the same topic within 3 minutes of each other. Haha! I am so happy for your mysterious good news. In the topic I posted, I shared about the simple beauty of summer break and not having to set an alarm in the morning. Also, we’re going camping this weekend — leaving in about half an hour, actually — and I am so excited for that!

  • paul-met-debbie

    June 6, 2021 at 6:45 am

    On my little walk with Buddha today, she noticed a little brown blob close to the edge of the sidewalk. Coming closer, it appeared to be a baby sparrow. It was tiny and fully in his feathers, but not yet able to fly. A few feet further, Buddha picked up a trail and led me to a grassy border in some one’s front garden. At first glance there was nothing to see, but Buddha insisted something interesting was there. On closer inspection, I found a little birdsnest with a sibling of the first one. I returned to the unfortunate adventurer, managed to scoop him of the street with one hand while holding Buddha away with the other, and returned the little featherball home. He and his sibling immediately crawled away deeper in the nest, making themselves invisible. A beautiful surprise indeed!

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