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  • Second dose of Moderna COVID-19 vaccine

    Posted by jenny-livingston on February 22, 2021 at 8:00 am

    On Thursday, I received my second dose of the COVID-19 vaccine. I wish I could report that I tolerated it as well as the first, but that wasn’t the case. Dang it.

    I got the vaccine at roughly 6:00 pm and awoke at 3:00 am with chills, body aches, and mild nausea. I took Tylenol (recommended by my doctor) and was eventually able to fall back to sleep. When I woke up again at 7:00 am, I had a fever of 100.9 °F and the aches had increased. In addition to overall muscle aches, my joints were especially painful.

    I spent most of Friday in bed, only getting up to eat, take a bath, and do my breathing treatments. As long as I had Tylenol in my system, the fever was kept at bay, but as soon as the medication wore off, the fever returned. By Saturday morning, most of the symptoms had lessened, but I’d developed a headache in addition. By the time I woke up Sunday morning, I finally felt better.

    The good news? My arm was incredibly sore after the first dose, and only mildly sore this time. At no point did I have any airway symptoms.

    Of the 5 members of my family who received our vaccines together, I am the only one who reacted so severely. Randy, my partner, had a mild fever and body aches for a short time, and still has a bit of a sore arm. My brother and his wife felt tired, with sore arms. My dad tolerated both doses very well and had only a mildly sore arm after each. (They each gave me permission to share this information here.)

    I am the only person in the bunch with CF, but of course, we don’t know whether that had anything to do with my having a hard time.

    I am still glad very glad that I got the vaccine. I am also glad that I’d read about the studies and heard enough personal stories to know that symptoms could be worse after the second dose.

    If you’ve gotten either one or both doses of the COVID-19 vaccine, which kind did you get (Moderna or Pfizer) and what was your experience like? 

    jenny-livingston replied 3 years, 2 months ago 2 Members · 2 Replies
  • 2 Replies
  • paul-met-debbie

    February 24, 2021 at 4:56 am

    Good to hear that you reacted moderately well to the second shot, Jenny. Tylenol (we call it paracetamol) is the preferred pill to take on occasions like these indeed.
    Now you have taken this hurdle, still be careful out there!

    • jenny-livingston

      February 24, 2021 at 2:39 pm

      Thank you, Paul. I definitely plan on keeping up with the safety measures we’ve been implementing. I’ve said these vaccines seem like the light at the end of a tunnel, but there is still a long ways to go.

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