• Serious Question, Silly Answers

    Posted by Bailey Vincent on August 11, 2021 at 9:29 am

    I saw the following question posted on someone’s Facebook recently, and thought it was hilarious to consider. (They were someone without health problems, to be fair, so “near death” experiences have probably been a lot less looming at times.)

    Even so, I figured it would be rather funny to ponder here:

    If you died tomorrow, what would loved ones be surprised to find in your belongings? 

    Obviously trying to keep this G-rated but… any dishy diaries? Any weird collections of china dolls? Any bags of dark chocolate next to your bed (me). Spill the silly beans!

    Jenny Livingston replied 3 years, 2 months ago 3 Members · 2 Replies
  • 2 Replies
  • Paul met Debbie

    August 12, 2021 at 10:17 am

    Funny you should ask. We are just cleaning out some of our books. They are all well read but no longer relevant to us, and we rather create some space for new ones that do have our current preference. Debbie is putting them on internet, found a nice platform for that and enjoys building this little bookshop of ours. Books about music, psychology, philosophy, cooking, poetry, it’s a broadly spread bouquet of our literate and other dwellings. So these will not be found anymore in our inheritance.

    I would be surprised if some one would be surprised going through what is left after our demise. Perhaps they would wonder about the indian philosophy books, or the small fountainpen collection (why 20 fountainpens? Because they are beautifully made and a pleasure to write with, hold in the hand, and fill with the colorful inks we have 30 bottles of). They would’t know what to do with all the piano scores ranging from Bach to Bartok. Or the old nebulizers. Or 600 CD’s with classical music. Or with the amateur pharmacy holding all of my pills. Would anyone care to decorate their walls with some of Debbies beautiful painting? Will anyone try to learn pianoplaying on the fine instrument I used for so long?

    I only hope some one will finally find the other socks of all my orphaned pairs and drop me a prayer about them.

  • Jenny Livingston

    August 12, 2021 at 7:29 pm

    I’m pretty sure that tucked away somewhere, sealed in a small bag, is the first tooth my daughter lost. When my grandpa passed away, we found a whole stash of (likely his grandchildren’s) teeth that he’d kept. I was horrified, but now… I’ve become like him. Hah! Really, it’s just one tooth and I am crazy sentimental about it.

    I’ve also hung onto varies awards and trophies I won, particularly from my childhood years spent riding and showing horses. That’s less weird, but I think it would be unexpected for anyone who didn’t know me in my youth.

    Also…. my browser history would be shocking to many people. Not that it’d reveal dirty secrets, but the way my inquisitive brain works means that my search history is varied and bizarre.

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