What Are You Reading? (Book Clubs and Coughing)
Since I talked about Comfort Movies yesterday (films that make you feel better when you’re sick), here’s another healing habit question:
Do you read when you don’t feel well?
I am normally a pretty avid reader (although more of an avid writer), but when I don’t feel well, I actually tend to not read because my eyes and head hurt, and medications can muddy the mental waters. Sometimes, my eyes hurt so bad from reading lips all day, that I just don’t have it in me. (I basically hate to admit this, because I love books, and my eldest daughter goes through about a novel per day.)
Anyways, if I DO feel well enough to dig into something, I love authors like John Green and Janet Fitch, but I really love memoirs, biographies and non-fiction. I could go down the “rabbit hole” of people and their lives all day. Maybe it’s why I studied Sociology in college? (lol)
What about you? What authors do you love?
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