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  • What to do when we are feeling overwhelmed?

    Posted by tre-larosa on January 30, 2019 at 7:51 am

    It’s of utmost importance that we’re cautious about our mental health as too much stress can actually begin to affect our physical health. Whether it’s a job, being active, or any number of responsibilities, there are times when I feel extremely overwhelmed and need to take a step back.

    1. What usually causes you to feel overwhelmed?
    2. What are some ways that you go about mitigating that feeling of being overwhelmed?

    tim-blowfield replied 3 years, 4 months ago 4 Members · 4 Replies
  • 4 Replies
  • morgan-polen

    February 20, 2019 at 2:35 am

    I am currently trying to navigate this issue. Solely thinking about what overhelms me, I get overwhelmed! Lol.

    It’s hard as a CF patient.. trying to be a responsible adult and productive member of society. Maybe it’s just as hard for people without CF, I’m not sure, but the obstacles of managing our health (IMO) poses quite a challenge..

    I throw this on top of becoming a new mom. Life, I absolutely love it! But man, often I’m taking a step back to assess, prioritize, and critically think about how to do it (life).

    Usually I am able to get grounded and have a good plan moving forward with my day/week/year..

    What I have found helpful is to set time aside where I can think things through and do some planning. I’ll write down my goals with solutions, and put on the calendar when such solutions can take place. Like, on lunch break this Friday, call Walgreens to set up automated refills on all medicines to avoid taking time for refill phone calls since I noticed I make those calls too much. And maybe I’ll schedule a family member to watch my little girl on a Saturday so that my husband and I can ride bikes on the trail and get some quality time..

    It feels really good IMO to assess what’s going on and how to improve, schedule to support improvements and then let it go cause you did everything you should 🙂

  • luisa-palazola

    February 20, 2019 at 7:08 pm

    Y’all, I’ve definitely been feeling so overwhelmed. I’ve got so many things I have to do mulling around in my mind — and then there are times I have the AUDACITY to think “Crap am I doing enough?” Y’all should see the amount of sticky notes I have on my desk. Reminders on my phone.

    @morganpolen I really like that idea of taking time out to assess how to improve your schedule!

    For me though, this is how I’ve learned to mitigate that sense of fear that comes with being overwhelmed:

    1. Journaling — YALL THIS JOURNAL LOOKIN’ LIT. I write down ALL of my emotions. *I also try to phrase everything within an optimistic framework* and I also write down all of my intentions, which *I also try to keep my intentions and the motives behind them positive.* It keeps me in check.
    2. I’m also learning to appreciate the little moments throughout the day. I find myself marveling at the squirrels haphazardly playing outside or, like today, I saw two geese fly overhead almost in synchronicity to the song I was listening to at the moment. At moments like those — this moment in time — feels almost, well, perfect. I kinda like the idea that there will never be a moment like the one I’m living in right now. So if I can, I try to absorb it.
    3. I have a skill I’m working on that allows me to totally disconnect from everything around me. Sometimes that’s working out, but recently I’ve picked up on learning Portuguese. I try to study/ play DuoLingo like ten minutes a day. I get into it, too. Pronounce words and develop sentences. Of course, learning a language requires immersion. Sometimes that Netflix, or music, and one day Brazil! For now I’m getting there, but I’m really enjoying this journey of picking up a third language. It’s not perfect, but hell, neither are my first two languages. um dia seria escrevendo e falando em portugues sem problema, te juro!.

    I’m coming to the conclusion. That I am enough, I do enough, and even if I had nothing to do — I am enough on my own. I really have to be gentle with how I approach the narrative in my mind, otherwise I would be torn up inside. Anytime I have self- depricating thoughts, I come back with “Okay, but look at all the things you’ve gotten done so far. Whether it be in that day, week, month, and hell, in my life.”

    And then I say, everything that needs to happen will happen at it’s own time. And sometimes I’ll have an edible.

  • tim-blowfield

    August 12, 2020 at 8:43 pm

    That a person with a chronic illness as CF is sometimes depressed should never surprise anyone. In many situations it is normal. There are many good suggestions above. Indeed we need to accept ourselves as we are. Seeking what is good is beneficial. A Monty Python hit song of the past was ‘Always look on the bright side’. In the book of Psalms David when in tough circumstances looked to his Lord as have many been encouraged by Psalm 23 over the years (The LORD is my shepherd!) Christians often recount how they have been sustained by their faith them through difficult times.

    I was trying to add a picture here of a duck – swimming on a pond in the Blue Mountains west of Sydney, Australia – captioned ‘Be like a duck, Keep cool calm and collected on top and paddle like hell underneath!

  • tim-blowfield

    March 23, 2021 at 8:32 pm

    CFers have enough to cope with that Depression and Anxiety (D & A) should be not unexpected. Coping with CF is likely to lead to frustration, D & A.
    But is that all?
    May well the intracellular electrolyte inbalance also be a reason (cause) of these mental issues. That this is a probability is shown by the side effects being seen with Trikafta as it corrects the inbalance.
    Keep paddling! Just be ducky!

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