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  • Hot Topic…. It’s Really Hot Outside

    Posted by Bailey Vincent on July 7, 2021 at 9:02 am

    I have been talking about a lot of heavy things recently. (Medical trauma and worries after a really rough couple of weeks, for example.) But I wanted to lighten the mood, literally, and shift to “hotter topics”.

    Specifically, how hot it has been!

    Just to give us a happy question and some fun answers, I’m wondering: 

    What is your favorite taste in the summer?

    What is your favorite smell in the summer? 

    What is your favorite touch/feeling in the summer?

    Here are mine: 

    I love the taste of a Coke slurpee in the summer, after a long day of being outside. Nothing cools me off and brings back positive memories, for some reason

    I love the smell of lake water in the summer, but specifically, the smell of rain on a lake (it is a really really specific smell)

    I love the feel of laying down, in the sun, with a great book (or, more realistically, some IQ-wasting magazine), and the feeling of cold lotion on skin after a day outside


    What about you? Not health related, technically, but perhaps some wellness intersection depending on your summer memories.


    Jenny Livingston replied 3 years, 7 months ago 4 Members · 5 Replies
  • 5 Replies
  • Jenny Livingston

    July 7, 2021 at 2:58 pm

    Favorite taste? Lemonade or pickles (not together). I don’t generally love lemonade but on a hot summer day, I love it. Pickles are always a favorite of mine and the heat makes me crave them like crazy.

    I have no sense of smell, so… I’ll skip this one.

    Favorite feeling? Water. Being in water, dipping my toes in, or even just sitting on the water’s edge taking in the sights and sounds.

  • Judy Moreland

    July 8, 2021 at 2:33 pm

    I love the taste of ice cream and fresh fruit, the smell (when I can smell, which is not often) of barbecued meat, the feel of the grass beneath my feet and the sun on my body, and the sound of the crickets at night in August.

  • Aimee Lecointre

    July 8, 2021 at 3:00 pm

    I love the taste of Hawaiian style shaved ice, soft serve ice cream cones, a cold crunchy pickle or a cold Topo Chico.

    I love the smell of the forest and lake water, but my favorite smell is probably rain on hot cement. However, I haven’t been able to really smell anything for years, so this is based of memory!
    <p style=”text-align: center;”>I love the feel of the grass on my feet or I’m some sand. I love the feel of water on my skin. Dipping my toes or feet into some kind of body of water, preferably something in nature (lake, river, etc) as opposed to a pool.</p>

  • Judy Moreland

    July 8, 2021 at 5:45 pm

    It’s interesting to read that 3 out of 3 people who commented have trouble with the sense of smell or can’t smell at all.  I always thought this was a side effect of a lot of antibiotic usage.  Maybe it’s just sinus and rhinitis issues.

    Judy Moreland


    • Jenny Livingston

      July 9, 2021 at 9:56 am

      Judy, I think it’s so interesting, too! My sister (who also has CF) has a better sense of smell than I do, but still has a lot of trouble. I knew it was fairly common, but this thread really seems to highlight the issue.

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