Have You Ever Thought About Going Back To School?
Question: How has CF impacted your education and would you ever go back to school?
I know we have talked about this before, of course. Some of us left school when we became ill, much to our dismay. Others finished and thrived. Many more- caretakers and family members – sacrificed their own timelines for those they’re tending.
Recently, my husband text me this article from Dance Magazine and I almost lost my marbles. It is a completely online, Dance degree, specifically for former dancers who’ve had to retire (or current dancers who couldn’t finish their college career), and it’s done completely on your own time.
I talked in exclamation points for the rest of the day.
But after sending the link to my sister, she pointed out: “Would you go back to school because you really need this to benefit your life, or would you go back purely because of the social stigma?”
And she’s right. I am already doing what a lot of people dream about in the dance world. And the business world. And the nonprofit world. I have more experience “in the trenches” than most are fortunate enough to build in a lifetime (because it truly is good fortune, to say the least). I am doing what I love… so how would this actually “help” me?
Going back to school wouldn’t help me earn more or go further in my field at this time… But it would help my pride. So what does that say about me?
Why, after all I’ve accomplished and love doing, am I so darn ashamed of the fact that I wasn’t able to finish? Some could be that I loved school (4.0 club for life!) and some could be that I am from a culture/family/background that expects nothing less.
I don’t have any wisdom today or some catchy point at the end… I was just wondering- sick person to sick person- Do you ever think about this? Pros, cons? Benefits, hinderances? Do you, like me, worry you’d have to drop out due to a long hospitalization or crazy complication? Curious who else feels this torn, if at all.
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