Salty Snacks and CF: Confession Time
We have all heard the connections between CF and salt (whether the salty taste of our skin or the use of saline in our treatments), but I have a fun, summer-inspired question for everyone today..
If you were a salty snack or drink: What would you be?
Or, better yet, What food are you the most inclined to add way too much salt to?
I think my very pirate-like family would be sad to know I’m not choosing a margherita, personally, but if I had to pick my favorite salty snack ever, it would be: smoked salmon. The saltier the better.
However, I tend to oversalt my chips (warm tortilla chips, fresh to the table? = Add More Salt) and even salt my hummus, egg salad, hard boiled eggs and onward, before taking a bite. (Yes. I have a bit of a salt problem)
What about you?
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