• What I Eat In a Day…. Join Me?

    Posted by Bailey Vincent on August 28, 2020 at 10:58 am

    I talked about nutritional philosophies yesterday on the forum and today, I wanted to ask “What Do You Eat in a Day”? This is one of my all time favorite questions, and I giddily watch What Eat In a Day videos online whenever I get the chance (cliche-girl as that may be). I love observing the daily routines and health habits of others, and I’m even MORE curious when it comes to friends or carers of those with CF.

    For caretakers, does your position as health advocate influence your nutrition? As patients, do you avoid certain items or load up on others? For those on Trikafta currently, has this changed how you eat?

    I became a vegetarian at a young age, and try to limit my protein to veggie or pescatarian whenever possible… but I genuinely feel better (digestively) when I eat chicken and eggs. (Ew. I feel gross even typing it because I’m that grossed out by meat. I hate cooking it, touching it, and so on.) I don’t judge anyone else for how they eat (my partner is a definite carnivore) but I know that what feels good for me physically doesn’t always align with what feels good for me mentally and instinctively… and that can be baffling.

    What have you eaten today, and does it reflect a typical day of eating?

    Jenny Livingston replied 4 years, 5 months ago 3 Members · 3 Replies
  • 3 Replies
  • Jenny Livingston

    August 28, 2020 at 5:03 pm

    In recent years, I’ve cut back on meat consumption, but I do still eat it. My diet consists of a little bit of everything. I generally eat a LOT, but I’ve been pretty busy today so I’ve eaten lighter than most days.

    So far today, I had coffee and avocado toast for breakfast, almonds and raisins for a snack, and leftover lasagna for lunch (and water to drink throughout the day).

    My partner regularly teases me because I don’t believe foods should be eaten at a certain time of day. That’s just silly to me! My favorite “breakfast food” is dinner leftovers from the night before. I also enjoy things like pancakes for dinner or cold cereal for a late night snack. I’m a VERY intuitive eater! 😀

  • Paul met Debbie

    August 28, 2020 at 5:03 pm


    Well, this might be boring, but if you like: since a couple of years no meat/fish anymore. No moral issues involved here (although the mind can think of a lot of them) but it just came to us “from inside” when we got more aware of life in general. Even eggs are more of less unwanted lately. Cheese and butter still do-able. So, unlogical but there you go.

    Alcohol also has gone away since a couple of years (before it was scarse also), we used to enjoy a glass of port wine still, but the bottle we bought last year is still half full, so apparently it is on its way out.

    Water, tea, coffee (YES! Moka pot, the Italian way, real strong), some fresh orange juice, and some butter milk for drinks.

    Sandwiches or knäckebröd for breakfast/lunch, with some cheese or marmalade, peanut butter, Choco paste, honey, fruit, nuts.

    Between lunch and dinner some yoghurt with fresh season fruit and muesli with nuts.

    For dinner mostly something Mediterranean-style, a good salad with all kinds of ingredients (also nuts, mushroom and fruit) and dressing from olive oil and vinegar and garlic. Debbie is a miracle salad sorcerer. Carbohydrates come from rice or pasta (sometimes potatoes), some vegetables like cauliflower, spinach, beans, chickpeas, zucchini etc. lightly steamed or stir-fried. Every now and then even a veggie-pizza can find its way into our stomach (today was pizza day – that is, we share one pizza and make a big salad with it).

    No fast-food or anything pre-prepared.
    In the evening an apple or orange (each!).

    So, very simple and not too much. Good quality fresh ingredients, preferably biological, hand prepared, raw or lightly steamed. We take some supplements to make sure we get enough omega 3, vitamin B12 and Iron. And I take my normal bulk of vitamin ADEK suppletion of course.

    I try to keep up my weight above the 18 bmi-mark and usually take a bottle of nutridrink (complete liquid food on milk-base) at night. I don’t think bmi is a big thing though. My dietician thinks it is. She threatened to put me on tube-feeding some years ago if my bmi went below 18. We pointed out to her that in that case, Debbie had to go first, because her bmi is even below that, although she is perfectly proportioned and healthy. She is just delicately built (they don’t come like that anymore these days). Then my dietician did not further pursue her quest for tube-feeding (I also said “over my dead body” – that might have helped convince her too).

    Some years ago we flew to Tenerife (Canary Islands) to hibernate for a couple of months. Imagine, we had some trouble fitting everything in the allowed 20 kg personal baggage-limit, also considering all the medication for 3 months. We asked the airline if we could take a third suitcase for free, with the argument that together we weighed only 100 kg which saved them a lot of fuel – they generously allowed. It was Air Berlin by the way. Perhaps they were too generous, now they are bankrupt – that might have had other causes.

    Bon Appetit!

    What I Eat In a Day…. Join Me?

  • Jenny Livingston

    August 28, 2020 at 5:18 pm

    Paul, your airline story is so funny! I’ll have to remember than in case I ever find myself in a similar situation.

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