
How High Risk for COVID-19 Has Shaped My Perspective

We are currently experiencing something unlike anything we have seen before: a coronavirus pandemic whose magnitude is unprecedented in modern history. Two weekends ago, I was still celebrating St. Patrick’s Day at bars with my friends. By then, people were wary. I was advised against going, but having the mindset…

We Need to Expand Our Perspective of the Coronavirus

The cystic fibrosis (CF) community is handling COVID-19 in two ways. Some claim that people are finally getting a taste of life with CF. “We wore masks before it was cool,” they say (I stole that one). We always worry about germs. The coronavirus will impact us more than others…

Some Calm Thoughts Amid the COVID-19 Pandemic Pandemonium

A surreal winter, huh? Pandemic pandemonium. Over and over. “I can’t believe we even have to think about this stuff. COVID-19 is like fiction.” It’s real. I write this during week three of self-isolation. I ain’t scared for myself. This isn’t the first time I’ve defended against “biowarfare.” My…

Hanging by a Hope During the Coronavirus Crisis

The invisible killer is nothing new. Something that can’t be contained? I feel that. Not knowing if or when it will hit you? Every. Single. Day. Cystic fibrosis is a monster. And so is having a transplant. There’s always an underlying fear of the untamable beast. Those of us with…

My Pets Help Me Deal with Cystic Fibrosis

A few months ago, I was chatting online with the parents of an infant who was newly diagnosed with cystic fibrosis (CF). They discussed how their lives would change and the precautions they’d have to take with CF in their lives. Most seemed sensible to me — no…

I Tried Fringe Science and I Don’t Regret It

I had an experimental stem cell transplant five years ago and it was one of the best things I’ve ever done. In all honesty, I don’t actually know how much my stem cells helped because it happened during a confusing period. In the same six-month stretch, I found out I…

The Cure List: Dreams Achieved and Dreams to Come

I’m always promising people I’ll write a memoir … at some point. Once, I got 46,853 words deep before realizing that my writing style had evolved enough that, “Mmm, that draft is trash.” Recently, I gave it another jab. I leave my writing raw, still bleeding and unfiltered to depict…

Words of Wisdom to My Younger Self

Hey kid, You better brace yourself. Other adults in your life are already telling you this, but you better learn to listen up. Your parents know a bit better than you do, but I’ll give you this: You’re smart, you’re ambitious, you’re idealistic, and you have a sensitive heart. You…