
Disease Fatigue Is Not the Same as Laziness

I come from the generation of “Netflix and chill,” except for me, it wasn’t a sexual innuendo. My college life consisted mostly of watching Netflix and chilling; sitting on the couch with my girlfriend at the time, and binge-watching TV shows. I was known for being a successful…

I Have Cystic Fibrosis, and CF Has Me

I hear others say “I have CF. CF doesn’t have me.” This may be an accurate statement for some, the small percentage of patients who are not limited by this disease. Those who climb mountain peaks, work 60 hours a week, and raise three children. They could say…

Who Runs the Ward? Women.

I’ve been in sticky situations with dude doctors. With many male doctors, it’s a CF battle. We’re overcome by politics and competition; tackling for command and barking orders at each other. Yes, it’s mutual because I’m a stubborn dude, too. That said, I’ve had some incredible docs who…

We Need to Allow Ourselves to Heal

We all need to stop picking our scabs. There’s something so simple and satisfying about it: carefully removing that which is crusty and dead, seeing what fleshy colors lie beneath. It’s carnal and human, albeit totally gross. But, if we’re bravely honest with ourselves, what other reasons might…

Identifying and Addressing 3 Barriers to Treatment Adherence

Cystic fibrosis requires a complex and time-consuming treatment plan beyond what many other chronic illnesses require. It’s important to identify the barriers to treatment adherence and find practical ways to address the issues. Forgetfulness We have all been there, the perplexing pause followed by the blank stare directed at the…

CF Lung Transplant Candidates: It’s OK to Be Afraid

September 2016 Every bone, tooth, and vein in my body trembled. The oxygen cannula hugging my nostrils slipped on sweat. I sat at a cold table with my pre-transplant coordinator who’d subjected me to a presentation that vividly, gruesomely, described the lung transplant process.

Pretend You’re a Yogi

This morning, I managed to forget my yoga mat. Twice. It was 8:43 a.m. by the time I had walked the dog, readied myself, gathered my belongings, and finally locked the front door. Three steps later: Oh, crap. Where’s my mat?…

What’s the Deal with Breastfeeding and CF?

Happy World Breastfeeding Week! That’s right, in this column we are talking about breasts and the wonderful thing they can do: feed tiny humans. I want to dive into the reasons to breastfeed and how cystic fibrosis plays a role in the choice of whether or not to breastfeed.

There’s Jubilant Laughter at the Transplant Games of America

July 28, 1 p.m. We’re laughing. Some of us literally poured blood, sweat, and tears to be there laughing. Transplant recipients, like me. Others thought they’d never see their loved ones laugh again, much less years later. Caregivers. Others doubted they’d ever laugh again after they lost the…

Reflecting on the First Year of Parenthood

With my son’s first birthday fast approaching, I have spent a lot of time thinking about how quickly this first year of parenthood has gone. I know this is the most basic parenthood thing you can say, but here I go: It. Went. Too. Quickly. It feels like we’ve just…