
I Laugh in the Face of CF — That’s How I Thrive

“Living On a Prayer” played as I pulled into an intersection. From the corner of my eye, I saw a car dart onto my street. A screech and a smash. T-boned, rammed into my driver door. Shrapnel-like glass blasted through the air, trimming a sliver of flesh from my…

9 Ways to Support Someone You Love with CF

Being in a relationship with someone who has CF can be tricky, whether as a co-worker, friend, partner, or family member. It can be hard to know exactly what to do to support them when you aren’t sure what they are going through. Following is a list of simple acts…

I’ve Come Full Circle

“It’s all come full circle,” I repeated, rather exhaustingly, about two dozen times over the past two weeks when visiting family in Florida. Exactly two years ago, my family learned we’d have to leave Hawaii, my home for 12 years, to get my lung transplant at the University…

The Guilt of Being Sick

Guilt. It’s a feeling I’ve had to process a lot lately. It’s something we all deal with from time to time. Maybe it’s due to a forgotten meeting, the dirty dishes piled up in the sink, or stumbling to bed without a kiss goodnight. Things happen, we are…

My CF Cough Barges into Normal Experiences

Two Christmases ago, my husband gave me a gift certificate for a massage. This week, I finally scheduled my first massage and cashed in the expiring gift. The timing felt designed, as my body is aching from inflammation and lugging around a 10-month-old baby boy one-third my size. I even…