
4 cases of CF-related skin rash and joint pain described in series

A report described episodes of skin rash associated with joint pain and inflammation, known as dermatitis-arthritis syndrome, in four females with cystic fibrosis (CF). The patients had similar symptoms, including pink, swollen, itching skin eruptions associated with joint pain. The researchers proposed cystic fibrosis dermatitis arthritis syndrome as a…

VOMG molecule effective against M. abscessus lung infections in CF

A new small molecule, called VOMG, showed good antimicrobial activity against Mycobacterium abscessus, a bacterium that can cause serious infections in people with cystic fibrosis (CF). “The bactericidal and eradicating properties of VOMG … strongly reinforce the potential of VOMG in the treatment of pulmonary infections especially in CF individuals,…