• I’m Stressed…. CDs? Albums?

    Posted by bailey-anne-vincent on June 17, 2021 at 10:16 am

    Yesterday I wrote a bit about “wellness culture” and personalizing it to our own bodies… and today I woke up in a deep-sweat-panic. Despite trying to do all the “right” things for my body and mind this week (aim for enough sleep, eating more, being organized, and so on), I can’t seem to compute with the work-related stress (and pressure I put upon myself) for the next few weekends.

    My nonprofit has auditions this weekend and the next, and the things that go into the behind-the-scenes with my little unpaid team of few are astronomical. Promotion and marketing, outreach, choreographing upwards of 5 to 6 combinations in one week (and being able to dance them well), spread sheets, potential acceptance packets and emails, media release forms, almost our entire 2021- 2022 season planned in advance, basic show narrative and scores plotted out for potential role considerations, and on… and on… and on.

    You get the idea.

    So, here I am, “cold sweat-ing”… ignoring my fighting teenage daughters… hurt back and high levels of pain… and not enough coffee or coffee-ice-cream in the world.

    My Question For You:

    When you’re panicked, stressed and maxed out mentally, what is your go to album for feeling better? 

    Not song… but full album (“CD”). I always tell my daughters, “We used to have to commit to buying an entire CD, instead of listening to one single on Spotify. So we had to really like an artist and then really know every single song and how they all connect.”

    I personally love anything by Max Richter, Rachmaninov or Ezio Bosso for classical now (I’m a cliche but classical really does help my nerves as a Deaf lady… maybe it’s the way the vibrations feel overall?) But if I’m talking old-school favorite CDs I once loved, it’s a toss up between Cake “Prolonging The Magic” and Dave Matthews Band “Crash” for happy throw-back moments (I also was obsessed with Incubus, R.E.M, Elton John, Counting Crows, Sublime and Barenaked Ladies in my “youth”, in terms of their overall, song-after-song CD overuse.) I even remember loving Pavarotti’s album as a kid!

    What about you?

    paul-met-debbie replied 3 years, 2 months ago 5 Members · 5 Replies
  • 5 Replies
  • rusty

    June 17, 2021 at 2:22 pm

    You know what?  I don’t really have a go to album but over the  covid winter I decided to listen to Puddles Pity Party and was glad I did.  He has many youtube videos and, aside from having an amazing singing voice, he is very entertaining to watch.  My favorite one is his version of Sound of Silence.

  • judy-moreland

    June 17, 2021 at 3:49 pm

    I grew was a teenager for most of the 60s and loved the Beatles, Chris Montez, Peter, Paul & Mary, The Mamas and the Papas, Simon & Garfunkel, and I could go on and on  . . .

  • judy-moreland

    June 17, 2021 at 3:51 pm

    I tried to fix my first sentence but wasn’t quick enough.  Should say “I was a teenager for most of the 60s and loved  . . .”


  • Timothy Bransford

    June 19, 2021 at 10:26 am

    When I need to destress, I almost exclusively go to soothing sound tracks on my Pandora app.  I especially love Budda Bar, Karunesh Radio, Pat Metheny Group, Liquid Mind, Anugama Radio, Global Chill Radio (the list goes on but I’ll stop).

  • paul-met-debbie

    June 20, 2021 at 10:15 am

    For me, playing the piano myself works best, mostly the romantic repertoire, especially Chopin and Schumann. But when I am too tired for that, lately I find myself rediscovering the CD’s with J.S. Bach’s Goldbergvariations. I have several of those, my three favorites are the two recordings made by the Canadian pianist Glenn Gould (1955 en 1981) and the one made by the American pianist Murray Perahia. I can listen to those recordings for hours and feel completely replenished afterwards.

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