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  • Stinky Cheese (High Fat Snack Chat)

    Posted by Bailey Vincent on April 13, 2021 at 9:07 am

    Yesterday I asked about salty snacks and food leanings, and today I wanted to quickly expand upon that:

    Do you take the time to eat a high fat snack with some of our high-fat-requiring medications?


    What is your favorite, go to, high fat snack?

    I know a lot of our medications have food recommendations. Take them: with food, without food, without grapefruit, with a calcium rich snack… and onwards. Still, sometimes even if we are told to do something, it’s hard to find the time or consistency to do so. So I’m curious how loyal most of us are to these rules, and (of course) what you grab first when you’re hungry?

    If I could afford it, I would probably eat an avocado a day because I grew up loving them and always will, but when push comes to shove, I am a mayonnaise fanatic. Add it to eggs. Add it to tuna. Add it to… mayo. I love it. I also absolutely adore cheese and wish I could leave the country one day and tour the great European countrysides and eat all the stinky choices (the more pungent and strong, the better).

    What about you?

    Tim Blowfield replied 3 years, 10 months ago 4 Members · 3 Replies
  • 3 Replies
  • Paul met Debbie

    April 14, 2021 at 9:49 am

    Avocado indeed, it’s great. Little mayo, little ketchup, salt & pepper, mmmm. 👌
    And being Dutch, we are cheese lovers of course. Not in large quantities, but the good stuff, Gouda and old Amsterdam. But for a real treat we divert to France, Camembert from Normandy or the blue cheeses like Roquefort. And not to forget Italian Gorgonzola or British Blue Stilton. Combined with sweet fruit like grapes, mango, pear or chutney which really brings out the taste. And they all go perfectly well with honey or applesyrup and bread. I am hungry now.

  • Rusty

    April 14, 2021 at 11:21 am

    I also like to choose cheese. Additionally, a great big spoonful of peanut butter or almond butter is a favorite and goes well with a piece of chocolate. In a pinch, I will mix whey protein powder in water and dump in a generous amount of heavy cream. Isn’t fat just wonderful?

  • Tim Blowfield

    April 14, 2021 at 9:15 pm

    Nothing like a nice cheese snack for morning, afternoon or evening tea. Melbourne may often have all 4 seasons the one day, but so did Egerton (Agricultural) College in Kenya when we were there in the ’70’s. The College had a small dairy factory for teaching Dairy Science and often produced a very nice cheddar. We would often get up to a nice cool autumn morning, by 11 it was overcast and raining (winter) at 1pm. 4pm was spring and by 7pm it was a lovely balmy summer evening – great for sitting on the front veranda with a mug of lovely Kenyan coffee and cheese. Only issues we had were
    1. I had to work (teaching Animal Health) and
    2. Reva succumbed to the altitude (7,500 ft – got very tired – it was not till 30 years later we found she had CF).
    Back in Melbourne in 2015 I finally took my father’s advice “if work interferes with play, give up work.” I did.

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