
Important Breaking News: I Am Not You

I’m going to talk about something other than sickness for a second. But stay with me, because I’m coming back to that, too. By the time you read this, the Oscars will be a week behind us. A South Korean film named “Parasite” will have won best picture. And likely…

It’s Time to Live Slowly

I haven’t tasted much energy over the past month. Thanks to steroid withdrawal, I spend most of my time near home. It’s not all that bad, honestly, to sit around and do nothing. “Doing nothing” can be productive. I didn’t always feel that. Back in my pre-transplant days, I…

What Being Fatigued Really Feels Like

Fatigue is a challenging condition to describe. It entails being tired, but it’s so much more than that. Fatigue is the side effect of chronic illness that haunts me the most. It can hit at any time like a ton of bricks. The worst…

Chronic Pain, Depression, and Anxiety in the CF Community

We need to come to grips with a problem deeply affecting the cystic fibrosis community. It’s an issue that we don’t talk about much: chronic pain and its relationship to depression and anxiety. It’s a multifaceted subject: Not only are rates of depression and anxiety higher in people with cystic…

So This Is How My Life Is Now

Humans are creatures of habit. We become accustomed to our circumstances. Most of us complain about our boring routines, but when they are disrupted, we can feel almost separated from our reality. Routines are a form of comfort, a gauge of where we’re at in our lives, professionally, physically, and…